What are we reading: Life as a unicorn

Beth has been reading Life as a unicorn: a journey from shame to pride and everything in between by Amrou Al-Kadhi. They say: "The iconic British-Iraqi drag performer, writer and film-maker Amrou Al-Kadhi (aka Glamrou) tells their story in their own words. Amrou paints a vivid picture of growing up in a wealthy Arab and …

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What’s happening in the School Experience Centre?

As many who visit Harcourt Hill library will be aware, the School experience centre (SEC) is housed on the lower floor of that Library.  Home to thousands of wonderful, educational resources, ranging from picture books to musical instruments and specially made resource kits for teaching purposes, the SEC is a valuable centre for all those …

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Why going global might mean going beyond LibrarySearch

LibrarySearch is an excellent place to start any search for information. LibrarySearch works most effectively when you are looking for material held by Brookes, such as a print or electronic book on a module reading list, or an article within a journal to which we subscribe. The strengths of LibrarySearch are that it integrates with …

Continue reading Why going global might mean going beyond LibrarySearch