Introducing: what we are reading

A cute animal stands on top of a pile of books and stretches a paw towards the stars

We have an internal library newsletter (LR Bulletin) that gets emailed to all library staff each Thursday. This includes links to minutes of recent meetings, news of upcoming training events and details of any staff changes. Useful, but not necessarily fun or interesting.

So, a few years ago, some of our team decided to introduce some additional features to LR Bulletin to liven things up. And What We Are Reading was born.

Initially it was just a list of titles and authors of books we’d enjoyed. But soon this grew into a page of book reviews.

Over five years and 1260 books later, this feature is still going! And we’d like to share some of our favourites on our blog. So, keep an eye out for a selection of our book reviews over the coming months.

Want to join in? Keep an eye on our Instagram stories where, every Monday, we invite our followers to share their weekend reads.